A unique company holiday party idea – a Team Building Workshop.
Dallas – Holiday parties should always provide a fun, but meaningful team bonding experience.
Delivering that can be more difficult than it sounds. Often, despite best intentions, they miss-the-mark in the “team building” area, wasting not only money, but a perfect opportunity for your staff to bond, laugh together and connect in a way they don’t get to day-to-day.
If you’re tasked with planning the holiday party this year, maybe try something a little different.
We work with clients throughout the Dallas area, designing Team Building Workshops that focus on a number of areas, including creating an workplace environment where a team’s creativity and innovation can flourish, increasing collaboration and communication, building trust and support, embracing the unpredictable, the acceptance of ideas and adding to each other's ideas, new approaches to problem-solving, building on mistakes, and being a positive and flexible teammate.

Not only do these workshops create a lot of laughter and bonding, but with takeaways that make a difference in the way individuals and teams work together.
That said, the sessions we design for holiday parties are always light, with a lot of positive energy, making it a great time for everyone. Your group will have a blast going through the improv-based activities in a comfortable setting with colleagues.
They set up as a perfect addition, or centrepiece, to a party. And a nice fit as an activity before moving on to drinks and food. The team spirit and stories will continue right through the rest of the night.
It’s a great way to breathe some life into a routine that may have become a little stale – and it’s cost effective!
So if you are looking at adding a unique twist to your company holiday party this year with a Team Building Workshop, contact us to learn more.
(Alex at Alex@improvtoimprove.org or Kayce at Kayce@improvtoimprove.org)
And if you’re interested in any of our other Corporate Workshops check the site or send an email and we’ll be happy to provide more details.