The Meeting that Could Have Been an Email
This company is helping us find better ways to “move, work and thrive”, and we were excited to help them navigate their communication skills in the Uber DFW office. The office is separated into multiple teams - everyone has their own role to play in the effectiveness of the overall company. While team members had successful communication amongst their small groups, they often got caught up in their day-to-day tasks and communication amongst the various teams was lacking. This resulted in repetition of information, long meetings and missed opportunities for collaboration.
We created a one hour workshop that was jam-packed with communication and active listening skills. We focused on listening for understanding, making eye contact, and being present in the moment. This workshop had team members up on their feet and laughing from start to finish!
Team members focused on their unique communication styles and became self aware of their preferred strategies and the strategies of their teammates. This will result in more efficient and effective communication while in the office and will certainly create a more productive work environment.
“Improv to Improve was a great way for our team to better understand each other. The improv interactions/games they chose were perfect and highlighted learnings we could clearly see and understand. We will certainly be having them back at the Uber DFW office! "
We can pack a lot of information and hands-on learning in one hour! We walked away knowing that we had given them tangible tools that they could implement the moment they returned back to their desk.

Building Trust during Times of Transition

This wealth management solutions provider was going through some major changes in leadership and organizational structure, and were experiencing some angst amongst team members. They were switching up everything from offices to managers to clients, and were looking to come together to have fun, and work on building trust!
We created a half day improvisational workshop at their annual company retreat which was held off-site. We started by creating a safe environment using the improvisational “Yes, And” principle. Team members were encouraged to accept offers and ideas and contribute in their own unique way. Specific exercises allowed team members to see each other and their supervisors in experiences outside of their comfort zone. We chose specific improv games that focused on the senior leadership of the organization. We were then able to create space for in-the-moment discoveries between the leaders and the teams highlighting potential areas of growth. We allowed space and time for open discussion which created a new level of trust and openness in the work environment.
This improvisational workshop allowed team members to build a common insider language about company culture which increased overall team morale.
“Improv to Improve initiated a great environment for all to feel safe and be creative. The exercises were fun and engaging. Our team members bonded through the experience and were still talking and laughing about it the next day. We enjoyed our time and would recommend this to others looking to improve team cohesiveness in a playful manner.”
We walked away from this retreat feeling energized in our ability to get everyone in the room to participate. The key to creating a trusting environment is about building relationships and common ground amongst team members. This day was all about being open and honest about the transitions taking place at the company. By naming the discomfort they were experiencing, we were able to move towards solutions and increased morale.

Nailing the Sales Pitch

A provider of energy, wireless, protective and home services, Stream uses multi-level marketing as their primary sales channel. The annual “Women of Power” Retreat is an opportunity for their female network marketers to come together and hone their sales pitch and skills. They were looking for a kick-off to their weekend retreat that would inspire, engage and increase confidence in their sales team.
We delivered an energizing and interactive keynote presentation that had everyone up on their feet participating in improv-style exercises. We brought up seasoned sales professionals on stage with us and led them through a series of exercises with a focus on body language, empathy and self-confidence.
These women left feeling empowered and ready to make their pitch! With a focus on active listening and empathy, we highlighted the importance of listening for understanding, being present in the moment and knowing how to effectively fail forward.
"The women were all engaged and having a great time! They were laughing out loud and were able to leave the room with some new ideas and ways to improve their own sales pitch. This was a perfect way to start our weekend-long retreat - it’s definitely not your typical frontal keynote address!"
This was our largest event to date with over 250 professionals. We learned so much from them, including that important learning can come from observing others in the field. From a sales perspective, this workshop highlighted the importance of effective listening and empathetic response to your client’s needs. We walked out feeling energized and confident that these women were ready to make their pitch!